Away We Go!

We’re all packed up, our basket and duffel bag full of things going into the basket are checked in, and we’re sitting on the airplane that will whisk us across the Atlantic to London. We’re both a bit nervous – we definitely didn’t have enough time to walk as much as we needed to in preparation for this – but I think, like Bilbo Baggins, we just have to go, for better or worse. It will certainly be an adventure!

The Via Francigena is so full of history, scenery, and interesting stories. We’re looking forward to making our own stories as we go. 

We’ll be at Heathrow around 2am EDT, and then need to take the train into London, then get to the train to Canterbury, and then need to run a few pre-start errands. I’m already looking forward to our bed tomorrow night. 

See you on the other side of the pond!

All our gear for 3 months. I’m a little nervous we’ve over packed.
All packed up! Everything going into the basket is in the duffel bag. The canvas bag is my carry-on.
Leaving Adam’s parents’ house, heading to the airport. I waited until we arrived to put on my apron.

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